Gulabi Fly Lure with Funnel Trap specially used to prevent infestation of Pink bollworm in cotton.
When we use these tools for managing pink bollworms, before the flowering stage. It gives better control over pink bollworm infestation.
Pink bollworm is the most damaging pest of cotton and okra and is very difficult to control.
Female adult lays eggs on tinder shoots and flowers. Larva hides and feeds in the flowers.
After that pink colored larvae start to feed on seeds in cotton bolls. After that, it is very hard to manage.
Gulabi Fly lure with Funnel Trap specially used to attract & trap adults of this pest and help to manage Pink bollworm before infestation.
Used to Control: Pink Bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella)
Host Crops: Cotton, Okra
Per Acre Use: 10 Traps/acre for Monitoring.
20-25 Traps/acre for Mass Trapping.
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